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The Burnaby Community Assembly wants to hear from you! 

Since February, Assembly Members have been gathering to learn from background materials, experts and community voices and engaging in dialogue to develop their vision for Burnaby over the next 25 years. Through this process, Assembly Members have generated dozens of Action Ideas for Burnaby. The Action Ideas cover a range of issues such as housing affordability, transportation and community amenities.

Please complete the Emerging Actions Survey by Sunday, May 26th, and help ensure a range of perspectives are considered as the Assembly develops recommendations for Burnaby’s Official Community Plan.

This survey is available in multiple languages to ensure that feedback is received from across Burnaby's diverse community. Please follow the links below to complete the survey in various languages:

The Burnaby Community Assembly is led by Simon Fraser University’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, in a collaborative but arms-length partnership with the City of Burnaby. These emerging ideas have been generated by Assembly Members alone and are not the positions of the City of Burnaby or SFU’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue.

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